
Life of And Academy

A comprehensive course for two-career families looking to replace chaos with peace
The Life of And Academy is a proven 6-week course to help you go from living a life of ‘have to’ to feeling like you are living a life of ‘want to.’

You will better understand your own tendencies, develop priorities for your family, and implement systems to create lasting change. Experience the freedom and focus that comes from having clearly defined priorities and systems that make the ordinary parts of life - like laundry and logistics - fade into the background so your relationships and new experiences can move into the foreground of your life.

Before I tell you about this program, let’s make sure you’re a good fit.

You’re a right fit for the Life of And Academy course if you are sick and tired of describing your life in one word: overwhelmed. You’ve decided that life cannot just be a string of days where you’re tired and behind - where your most passionate conversations with your partner are fights about who forgot to pick someone up. If you want more than this out of your life, you’re in the right place.

You might also be a good fit for the course if you’re in a place of transition. You’re moving from no kids to one kid. Or into a now-my-kid-is-in-school schedule. Or you’re trying to find peace (and time to workout) in a my-kids-all-have-practice-but-no-one-can-drive life. If you’re trying to figure out how to scale the capacity of your time—and your home—to fit more in it, you’re in the right place.

If you are:

New Parents in the Trenches:

  • Up early, living the 'divide and conquer' life.
  • Wrestling with the challenges of balancing career and new parenthood.
  • Seeking strategies to reclaim harmony amidst the daily hustle.

Dreamers Who've Hit Pause:

  • Put personal dreams on hold for the 'have-tos.'
  • Longing for more intimacy, adventure, and time for self-development.

In-the-Game Parents:

  • Kids are in school, but the juggle remains intense.
  • Staggered routines, constant multitasking, and a calendar brimming with commitments.
  • Desiring a path to balance amidst career, family, and personal aspirations.

Eager to Break Free from Survival Mode:

  • Tired of merely managing life, yearning to truly experience it.
  • Feeling alone in the transactional nature of daily routines
  • Battling guilt, overwhelm, and the perpetual sense of being behind.

Growth-Oriented Achievers:

  • Thriving in leadership positions at work.
  • Always on the edge of coexistence with a partner.
  • Striving for excellence, but feeling the pull of a chaotic daily life.

You’re in the right place!

The Life of And Academy will give you the tools to move from a life of 'have to' to 'want to'. It will give you the freedom of clearly defined priorities and systems that effortlessly blend the ordinary into the background, allowing your relationships and experiences to take center stage.

Say goodbye to the chaos and embrace a life where the extraordinary becomes the new norm. Your journey to reclaiming time, fostering intimacy, and experiencing genuine adventures starts here.

By the end of this program, you will have…

1.  Effortless Time Management:

Bid farewell to chaotic mornings and overwhelming evenings. Say ‘yes!’ to practical systems, making time management a seamless part of your daily routine.

2.  Harmony in Relationships:

Experience the joy of balanced living. As you implement the Family Ledger, watch how it allows for harmony in your relationships, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

3.  Proactive Living, Not Reactive Surviving:

No more scrambling to solve daily challenges. Shift from reactive behaviors to proactive living so you can enjoy a life characterized by intentionality, freedom, and focus.

4.  Personal Growth on Your Terms:

Discover the power of intentional choices. Create your roadmap to setting priorities, making decisions, and turning them into disciplined habits that align with the significant life you've chosen.

5.  Accountability that Feels Like Support:

Break free from the isolation of self-discipline. With the weekly and quarterly accountability meetings, the Life of And Academy creates a supportive environment, helping you stay on track, make adjustments, and celebrate your wins.

6.  Renewed Energy and Enthusiasm:

Imagine waking up with a sense of purpose and vitality. Shed the burden of reactive exhaustion, replacing it with the satisfaction of proactive efforts directed toward your goals.
Embark on a journey where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary. The Life of And Academy is not just a course; it's your guide to a life where challenges become stepping stones, and every decision leads you closer to the extraordinary. Are you ready to rewrite your story?
“Oh my goodness. Every episode, I am like “she gets it.” Thank you for putting content out there that is real/authentic and so applicable. The concept of minimums is something that is making a big impression in my life right now. Game changer.”

Olivia Warner


"I feel more than ever that Brice and I are actually working towards our goals instead of constantly scrambling and reacting to our lives. The weekly family meeting has been a game-changer for sticking to our priorities, being accountable to one another, and knowing each other’s calendars."

Samantha & Brice Johnson

"Tiffany's kind words, listening ears and inspirational leadership has always meant a lot. More recently, Scared Confident and the newsletter have given us more tangible tools that we have been able to use to better develop our personal lives and business. It helps us better understand how to balance our work life and think toward the future."

Jenny & Alec Todd


"I just downloaded the tool kit with the Task Planner – I’m literally in tears of hope and joy! I feel like you have said what every woman in a two-career home has rattling around in their heads and built a practical solution to prevent losing our minds! Thank you for this gift!”

Courtney Simpkiss

VP of Strategy

"Tiffany's talks hit differently. Her practical advice and the way she gets real about the daily grind – it's like she's speaking right to us. She's given us strategies that actually work, helping us carve out a bit more time and reminding us that it's okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes."

Nick Smarrelli


The Life of And Academy changes lives and is officially open for enrollment

One time payment of $997 $697

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“Oh my goodness. Every episode, I am like “she gets it.” Thank you for putting content out there that is real/authentic and so applicable. The concept of minimums is something that is making a big impression in my life right now. Game changer.”


"I feel more than ever that Brice and I are actually working towards our goals instead of constantly scrambling and reacting to our lives. The weekly family meeting has been a game-changer for sticking to our priorities, being accountable to one another, and knowing each other’s calendars."

"Tiffany's kind words, listening ears and inspirational leadership has always meant a lot. More recently, Scared Confident and the newsletter have given us more tangible tools that we have been able to use to better develop our personal lives and business. It helps us better understand how to balance our work life and think toward the future."


"I just downloaded the tool kit with the Task Planner – I’m literally in tears of hope and joy! I feel like you have said what every woman in a two-career home has rattling around in their heads and built a practical solution to prevent losing our minds! Thank you for this gift!”

VP of Strategy

"Tiffany's talks hit differently. Her practical advice and the way she gets real about the daily grind – it's like she's speaking right to us. She's given us strategies that actually work, helping us carve out a bit more time and reminding us that it's okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes."


segment 1:

Define Your Extraordinary

Unlock the Power of Clarity:
  • Craft a crystal-clear vision for your extraordinary life.
  • Identify your core priorities and values to serve as a compass.
  • Develop your personal definition of a balanced life.
Ignite Your Motivation:
  • Discover the deep motivations driving your desire for change.
  • Gain insights into the "why" behind your priorities.
  • Lay the foundation for a purpose-driven and intentional life.

segment 2:

Identify Top Issues

Confront Challenges Head-On:
  • Uncover and dissect the top issues causing stress and imbalance.
  • Prioritize challenges to address, focusing on the most impactful.
  • Begin the process of problem-solving with a strategic mindset.
Own Your Priorities:
  • Develop a Top Issues List, setting the stage for effective solutions.
  • Embrace the power of saying "no" to non-essential commitments.
  • Cultivate the discipline of discernment in your decision-making.

segment 3:

Solving Your Issues

Prioritize with Precision:
  • Dive deep into the Decision Framework to make informed choices.
  • Set clear priorities aligned with your core values.
  • Learn the art of gracefully saying "no" to low-impact opportunities.
Shopping for Your Time:
  • Master the art of time management based on your priorities.
  • Navigate the decision-making process with confidence and efficiency.
  • Cultivate a mindset of conscious time allocation for maximum impact.

segment 4:

Accountability Toolbox

Build Your Family Ledger:
  • Document explicit agreements that reflect your priorities.
  • Commit to new behaviors and choices for sustainable living.
  • Embrace the discipline of choosing your "hard" for transformative change.
Proactive Living and Accountability:
  • Learn to navigate challenges with humility and intentionality.
  • Set up systems to make progress towards your goals.
  • Foster a supportive environment for continuous growth and progress.

Inside the Life of And Academy, you’ll get:

4 segments guiding you through the Own the Ordinary system, a 4-step process to solve the biggest issues in your home by creating systems through clear agreements
Know your (un)Balanced Character and what brings you (and your partner) closer to your personal definition of balance
Confidently create systems that make you the COO of your household so you can confidently scale as your home increases in complexity
The Decision Framework designed to determine your priorities, set minimums to move you toward those priorities, and creatively problem solve the issues in your home
A Family Ledger to get all the systems you create (and those you already have) out of your brain and onto paper for ongoing accountability

In addition to the material in the course, you’ll receive these


to help propel you through the course:

LIVE Q&A sessions: Tiffany will host monthly live coaching sessions to make sure your questions are answered and ensure you feel supported along the way, giving you clarity and confidence as you move through the course.
Decision Framework: The Decision Framework empowers participants to set clear priorities, define non-negotiables, and navigate life's complexities with intention. This transformative framework provides a roadmap for creating explicit agreements, fostering discipline, and ultimately achieving a balanced life (as defined by you).
Task Planner: A comprehensive and completely customizable Task Planner tool to help set up routines and systems within your home for your daily, weekly and long-term tasks, giving you mental freedom and clarity.
Private Community with Ongoing Support: Access to an exclusive private community for accountability and idea sharing.

Total Value: Priceless. But let's put a number on it:


(Way beyond the actual investment you'll make!)

The Life of And Academy changes lives and is officially open for enrollment

One time payment of $997 $697

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Your Confidence, My Commitment

I understand committing to change is a big step and that this course is both a financial investment and a significant investment of your valuable time.

That's why the Life of And Academy comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

That means you’ll have walked through the first two modules of the Life of And Academy and will have discovered your (un)Balanced Life Character and identified your biggest issues.

If, within those initial 2 weeks, you don't feel the course resonates with your aspirations, simply reach out and we will refund your investment.

Your journey matters, and we want you to embark on it with confidence, knowing your investment is backed by our commitment to your satisfaction. Full details here.


Still have a few questions? No Problem. Here are the questions we most often hear from others before they jump in.

How much time do I need to commit to the course each week, and what is the format of the lessons?

  • Each lesson includes a video to guide you through the learning and exercises. A good rule of thumb is to dedicate 30 minutes each week to watch the videos and 1 hour each week to complete the exercises.
  • Don’t forget you’ll have lifetime access to the Life of And Academy , so don’t stress about the time—you can take the time you need.

I’m a busy human; can I work through this at my own pace?

  • Yes. You’ll have lifetime access to the Life of And Academy, so you can take it at your own pace.

Can I take this course on my own, or is it designed for both partners in a two-career household?

  • This course is designed for the CEO of the household. The Wall Street Journal describes this as the person in charge of running the day-to-day tasks of the home: Managing the calendar, meal planning, managing cleaning and laundry, etc.
  • In a perfect world, your household CEO would take the info they are learning to share with their partner in a weekly meeting or date night. Several exercises throughout the course are ideally done together during this meeting time. 
  • This course can also be taken by both partners, who actively watch the learning content, do the exercises and come together with their learnings.
  • What if my partner is not interested in taking the course with me? You can still have success with the Life of And Academy . There is guidance throughout the course on how to approach conversations with your spouse and how to implement these strategies and tools into your home on your own.

Is this course only for couples, or can it benefit single parents or single-income homes?

  • A two-career home is what I know—it’s what I’ve lived the last 15 years of my career and life. However, the demands of the home and feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed aren’t specific to two-career families. So, while this course was developed for couples in two-career homes, you can still get great results as a single-parent family or a family in a single-income home.

Is there ongoing support after completing the course, and how can I maintain the systems I've implemented?

  • As part of this course you will have access to the archives of the Live Q&A sessions as well as Q&A sessions moving forward.
  • The issues in your home aren’t static. Time changes things, which is why this course is a framework. It’s a system that you can come back to again and again to solve the new issues that arise in your home. You will have lifetime access to this course and the materials within to help you keep the process moving.

Do I get the full course all at once?

  • The course will be released over the course of 6 weeks.
  • You will have lifetime access to the course materials when the course ends.

The Life of And Academy changes lives and is officially open for enrollment

One time payment of $997 $697

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Are You Still on the Fence? Let's Address That...

I understand. Committing to a course is a big decision. But let me assure you, this isn't just a course—it's a life-changing experience, and I've got your back every step of the way.

**Risk-Free Opportunity:**

Remember, you're covered by our no-questions-asked refund policy. So, there's truly nothing to lose. Your satisfaction and transformation are our top priorities.

#1  Love Your Life Again

This is possible. To LOVE your life and not simply be passively existing inside of it. There is more to life than managing logistics, folding laundry, and answering the question “what’s for dinner.” Find a way to do the ordinary things with grace, simplicity and ease—so you can put your energy toward the things and people that matter most to you.

#2  Say goodbye to guilt & feeling overwhelmed

This isn't just about strategies; it's about reclaiming joy, reducing stress, and embracing a life that feels truly yours. I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to feel like you’re just trying to outrun a tidal wave of tasks and to-do lists. Where most days you feel like you’re letting everyone around you down—including yourself.

#3  You Have What It Takes:

You're capable of incredible transformation. Your hesitations, your uncertainties—they're all part of the journey. The fact that you're here, contemplating this decision, speaks volumes about your courage and desire for positive change. You're not alone; I believe in you, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Ready to take the next step? I'm here with you.

Life isn’t perfect, but it can be peaceful

My husband and I built our careers and family on the exact same timeline. We got married at 24, I became President of Element Three later that same year, and had 1 kid in our 20’s, 2 in our 30’s and 1 in our 40’s. As my business started growing and we introduced kids into the mix, we were drowning. And I most often described how I felt as simply, overwhelmed. I was working every possible spare minute. My relationship with my husband was suffering—he was always frustrated with me feeling like he was never a priority (which… was true). I didn’t feel at peace with the tradeoffs I was making between family and career. I was constantly stressed about feeding everyone, groceries, the laundry that was piling up, and the constant clutter that had taken over the kitchen island. I never felt fully present because I always felt pulled in so many directions. And I never had consistent time for myself. There was so much more I wanted to do; so many new things I wanted to say ‘yes’ to, but it felt impossible.

I was doing all the things I had dreamed of doing: I was married, had kids, a successful career, a home in a great neighborhood—but I was drowning. I remember asking myself: can this really be what life is about? Did I really work this hard for it all to be so lonely?

When did my life slowly start feeling like a prison?

Or is this what life has to look like in a two-career home?

You may be finding yourself in this place. Where you know where you’re at is not sustainable. That the pace you’re running at, the neglect you have for your own health, the strain you’re putting on your marriage—something you love is going to snap. You just secretly hope you can outrun it.

Today, I’m a wife to the same man, mom to four girls, CEO of the same company, podcast host, keynote speaker, investor, and mentor. My relationship with my husband is stronger than ever. I have quality time with my family, and I have the mental capacity to add more ‘Ands’ in my life.

It’s not perfect. But it’s peaceful.

How was I able to get to this place? I realized that I had to obsess over the ordinary things in my life—childcare, food prep, laundry, communication, etc.—in order to make space for the extraordinary.

In my 20 years of leading businesses, I found that we have so many systems in place that help us keep our businesses organized and running smoothly. But when it comes to our homes, we are on our own to figure out how to juggle it all.

I don’t work well in a perfect, rigid world. I need the ability to be flexible to last-minute meetings, my husband’s varied travel schedule, and our teen girls’ social and athletic calendars. So I’ve developed systems to keep the most important things happening every day.

And the rest, can be the rest.

We’ve also worked hard so that me and my husband both get the things we need from each other, our family, and our home. We both feel like we are a customer of our lives and decisions. We aren’t reactive victims. And it’s changed everything for us. 

I want all of this for you, too.

Tools & Resources for Two-Career Homes

Dreaming about a peaceful two-career home is one thing, but building it in real life requires more than wishful thinking.

The idea of a two-career home doesn’t feel new ANYMORE. But the practice of actually being in one – where both of you have big dreams and big responsibilities – still feels really hard to actually make happen. How do we nurture our individual wants, needs, and goals and hold space for the people we love? How do we chase growth without letting what’s right here, right now go unattended and unloved? How do we avoid losing sight of ourselves in the midst of all the to-dos and responsibility?

So, what exactly is a Life of And?

I was born with a heart that wanted to say yes to everything. I dreamed of a life that had a lot of Ands. But it took a lot of work and intentionality to move from a life of exhaustion and reactivity to a life of intention and sustainable peace. Today, I get to say I’m a business leader and a wife to a business leader. A board member and a community member. An entrepreneur of two decades and a mom to four girls. 

I’m not a guru; just a person who puts my own clues, lessons, wins, and disappointments on the table to prove that you don’t have to say no to your dreams – and neither does your other half. 

read my story

What People are saying

“Talking with you felt like therapy! It is SO good to connect with another woman CEO trying to figure out life, wife’ing, mom’ing, and business every day. You encourage and inspire me. Keep kicking a**”

Amy Brown, Authenticx

Scared Confident

The podcast that is helping two-career households manage the mundane and simultaneously chase growth. Listen in as we talk through the vulnerable realities of two-career homes, discuss the tools to run your home so you love it and share in the joy of chasing a big, abundant Life of And.

Listen here


Inspiring growth in entrepreneurs, leaders, and early career high achievers.

Stepping up when things get hard in business and life takes guts. Tiffany inspires leaders to identify fear, then run through it - to better places in their businesses, careers, and lives

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Tiffany's Favs


4 Strategies to Develop World-Class Employee Engagement

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The Art of Time Exchange & Making the Most of Every Moment

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Embracing the Complexity of a Two-Career Home

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This is an outlet to share the strategies, tips, hacks, and mindsets to help high-achievers who want a lot out of life. We'll drop in your inbox a couple times a month.