
How to Navigate Transitions and Embrace the Change

Navigate Transition and Embrace Change

It's that time again – the season of transition. Change is in the air, and in my world, it's been a whirlwind. It’s the shift from the unstructured - everyday is different - days of summer to the hustle and bustle of structured school routines. 

Our summer has been a mosaic of activities, a colorful patchwork of plans and responsibilities. Each day has thrown new surprises our way, making the term "routine" seem like a distant memory. From managing my kids' schedules to a surprise leak in the basement that led to a remodel to welcoming back a nanny, it's been a juggling act that feels more like a dance of coordination.

And speaking of coordination, the start of the school year brought its own set of shifts. My oldest daughter took her first steps into high school, marking yet another chapter of change. 

But here's the thing I've learned amidst all this commotion – adapting to change takes more energy and patience than we might think.

Give it your best

In the midst of these transitions, I've come to embrace imperfection. It's okay not to have all the puzzle pieces perfectly in place. Transition is about adjusting, learning, and making room for the unfamiliar. 

“It’s important to give every day your best, but your best will not be every day.”

The concept has been my daily mantra. It's a reminder that life isn't a linear journey of continuous excellence. There will be days when exhaustion, unexpected twists, or simply life's unpredictability might prevent me from operating at my prime. And that's not just fine; it's human.

I've realized that showing up, even on days when things aren't perfect, matters. Perfection is not the goal; consistency and effort are. It's easy to use imperfection as an excuse to shy away, but I've discovered that showing up – even in the face of less than ideal circumstances – is where growth happens.

Key Principles 

Through this ongoing process, I've held onto a few principles that have helped keep me afloat – and they might resonate with you too:

1. Transition Takes Time: Patience is key. Give yourself about six weeks to settle into new rhythms when change comes knocking. Trust me, each passing week will feel a bit less like a storm and more like a gentle breeze.

2. Minimums as Anchors: When the whirlwind is in full swing, my "minimums" have become my anchors. These are the non-negotiable tasks that keep me grounded, no matter how turbulent life gets. Having these anchors has been a saving grace, a way to maintain balance amidst the chaos.

3. Time for Connections: One poignant realization has been that my older kids don't always ask for my time the way my younger ones do. It's less about direct requests and more about creating those organic moments for connection. As parents, it's on us to initiate these connections, even when our teens seem occupied in their own worlds.

4. Embracing Reflection:  With the shuffle of beds and rooms in our home (including taking down the crib for the final time), I found myself awash in nostalgia and excitement. Change often triggers a mix of emotions – the bittersweet farewells to the past and the eager anticipation of what's to come. Taking a moment to reflect on these feelings has been a powerful exercise in processing change.

5. Celebrating the Good:  Amidst the chaos, beauty emerges. Those unexpected moments of joy – like an enthusiastic text from my high schooler about her first day – remind us that amidst the storm, blessings still find their way to us. Celebrate these moments, for they're the threads that weave through the tapestry of change.

6. Set your attitude:  I just spent a heartwarming weekend with my 93-year-old grandma, Marcella. My grandma, my mom, my sister, a bunch of kids, and I all gathered in one place: An aged soul's insights met with modern-day chaos, and it was pure gold.

She told me something profound. She said, "Your kids copy your attitude." Simple, yet incredibly wise. Our household, our families, our businesses, the communities we lead – they copy our attitude. We are influencing the atmosphere for everyone around us. And, as parents, we hold a unique power to shape how our family faces the world and the changes we face.

Keep Going

So, as you navigate your own transitions – whether they're related to family, work, or your personal journey – keep in mind that you're not alone. Change might shake things up, but it also ushers in new opportunities, fresh perspectives, and the chance to evolve.

Stay positive, lean on your minimums for stability, and hold onto those moments of connection that come your way.

This journey, with all its twists and turns, is yours to embrace. The highs, the lows, and everything in between.

Sending you strength and support as you navigate your own whirlwind of change. Remember, you're more resilient than you realize.

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