
Live Q&A with Abby Parker on Personal Journeys

“My performance is different from who I am as a person. And so, in the relationships I have, my value to the world and my value to the people that love me have nothing to do with my performance.” —Tiffany

Have you ever looked at your choices and wondered, is my path normal?

Abby Parker, COO and Co-founder of Elate, reached out to Tiffany for coffee, and in their conversation they discuss personal journeys. Abby's current situation reminds Tiffany of where she was in her mid-twenties: newly married, running a startup, and wondering, “Do I have what it takes to be successful?”

In their conversation, Abby and Tiffany discuss owning your choices, why uncommon outcomes require an uncommon effort, and why “normal” and “balanced” are overrated.

As you listen, ask yourself: What outcomes am I shooting for?


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