
The First 17 Years: Never go alone

If you're going to build a business that lasts long term, you really can’t go it alone. And while Tiffany clearly leaned a lot on her mentors during the first 17 years of building Element Three, there was a tipping point when she knew it was time to build her support system from the inside. This is the story of the people who taught her this valuable lesson.

Chapter 9: Dedicated to my team

In this final episode of The First 17 Years, Tiffany introduces you to three key members of her executive team: Sarah Riggio, Darren Halbig, and Danielle Falconer. Each have challenged her, pushed back against her, and helped not only take Element Three to its next phase of growth—but Tiffany, too. Listen in for an intimate look at what it’s like to build a team who pushes you to become better every day.


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