
2 Mindset reminders to help you find success

Contrived Scarcity & Don't Blame the "Thing"

As Tiffany motors through the hustle and bustle of the holidays, she recently engaged in two conversations that gave her important reminders about having the right mindset.

What’s behind the feeling of making something competitive when it doesn’t have to be? Or undermining someone’s success for your own benefit? Have you ever found yourself feeling jealous or competing for something because you think that success in that area is limited or scarce? Tiffany tackles this interesting concept of contrived scarcity vs actual abundance, and gives tips on how to check yourself.

Or how about pointing the blame when you aren’t feeling success? Are you blaming the thing, the strategy, or maybe even the people around you? In actuality, the problem might just be you! Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? Listen in to find out how to manage your mindset to find success in your Life of And.


[00:00] Intro

[01:54] Mindset of abundance vs. scarcity

[04:48] Applying it in business

[05:51] Mindset of not blaming the thing

[06:39] Tiffany's example in her own life

[08:30] Closing


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