
Do it or delegate it: A candid Q&A chat about in-home help

A candid Q&A chat about in-home help

Juggling a big job, a two career household and raising your kids makes for a full life. And being the designated COO of maintaining your household, relationships and family schedule calls for a bit of creativity at times. Tiffany takes a deeper look into how to do just that.

In this episode, Tiffany is joined by Rachel Downey to expand on last week’s topic, ‘Do it or delegate it: An up close look at my in-home help.’ Rachel asks some candid questions about Tiffany’s take on what she means by ‘big job’, how to find time to maintain relationships, creative ways to show up for your kids and how to be judicious in spending your money on in-home help. If you find yourself wanting more ands in your life without sacrificing time for the things you love, you won’t want to miss this helpful conversation!


[00:00] Intro

[01:48] What classifies having a big job?

[03:33] How do you maintain relationships and have a social life?

[10:12] How and when to decide to spend money on outside help for your household

[15:05] How to show up for your kids when it really counts

[19:36] Closing

Link to the Task Planner tool mentioned in this week's episode. Learn more about this tool and how it can help your family, here.


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