
Fear Journey: I am making an impact

“[The fear journey] forces you to understand how you view fear and how you think about fear. It helps you communicate with others who are in the same boat or who have lived through it. It forces the conversation because you're communicating and talking about the struggle and how to shift the mindset. And it's given me a playbook  of how to live a better life, understanding legacy, and changing the perception around the fear of failure.” —Kyle

In the conclusion of Kyle Lacy’s Fear Journey, we hear him share what he learned and what’s ahead as he reflects on this experience. Are you ready to join him on your own journey? If you’re ready to understand the role fear may be playing in your life, text Tiffany to download a copy of the self-guided Fear Interview. Text the word FEAR to Tiffany at 317-350-8921.


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