
Here's what vulnerability in leadership actually looks like with Matt Tait

Choosing Vulnerability as a Leader

Deciding to make a change in your life is hard, but actually executing that change is a whole other level of hard. Especially when you really commit to digging deep on a personal level.

Tiffany read a LinkedIn post by CEO Matt Tait, and it really piqued her curiosity. He candidly wrote about how he found being vulnerable really hard, and how he’s in a committed pursuit to change this about himself. Tiffany wondered what prompted this bold decision and how he got to this place. So she invited him to take the mic on this week’s episode to share his real-time reflections. And it’s really an inspiring listen.

Matt Tait is a CEO, husband and father, and also a recovering attorney who has spent his career as an entrepreneur, having previously launched two technology companies. He's always focused on helping businesses; making it easier for them to operate while creating great customer experiences. Continuing a people-first theme driven by technology, Matt launched Decimal with his Co-Founder Jacob Cloran to solve financial operations for small and medium-sized businesses.

To learn more about Matt, click here.

For more about Decimal, click here.


[00:00] Intro

[02:12] Matt's LinkedIn post and what prompted it

[04:11] Matt's journey of becoming more vulnerable

[12:22] The pandemic and forced vulnerability

[13:20] Pre-pandemic Matt

[16:18] Matt's journey with Decimal

[20:01] Decimal's remote culture

[23:03] Vulnerability, authenticity and transparency at work

[28:08] What Matt is learning about himself

[29:54] Challenges/solutions for Matt's two career family

[36:38] Looking forward to 2024

[43:21] Why the name Decimal

[45:57] Closing


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