
How to take back control of your family dinnertime

Solving Session

5 o’clock is creeping closer…and it dawns on you: I have no idea what’s for dinner tonight.

We’ve all been here before. In another Solve Session, Tiffany sits down with Taylor–mom of 2 kids under 4–to help her solve her biggest issue: family dinner.

With picky eaters (including her husband) in the mix and 2 careers keeping she and her husband on a tight schedule, she feels like she’s always behind the 8-ball when it comes to what’s for dinner each night. Tiffany shares her tips on creating a family-friendly kitchen environment, establishing reliable backup care for your children, and setting up systems for efficient and varied meal options.


[05:57] Balancing kids' needs and school induces stress.

[08:30] Balancing morning routines before starting work.

[15:07] Taylor’s current solves around the home that have been worth it.

[18:42] Encourage regular interactions for familiarity with backup.

[23:02] How to rely on others as kids grow up.

[23:33] Desire for family dinner and planned meals.

[29:05] A formula for solving for dinner.

[32:18] Meal prep tip with various healthy ingredients.

[41:06] Meal prepping for variety in home lunches.

[42:55] Prepping on Sunday makes Mondays less chaotic.


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