What is self love?
In this minisode of Scared Confident, Tiffany gets introspective. The topic? Self-love and its true meaning.
It’s easy to think of indulging in treats and luxurious activities as a form of self-love, but Tiffany questions whether keeping commitments to oneself might be a more powerful expression of self-love. She highlights the idea that long-term, consistent, and persistent investment in personal growth may be the embodiment of self-love.
Tune in to explore the concept of self-love and discover what kind of commitments you want to keep to yourself.
Tiffany Sauder [00:00:03]:So I was on the Pelly this morning, you know, as it goes, downstairs in my basement, in my storeroom with my lights off, so that it feels like I'm maybe in a studio in New York City, but I'm decidedly not. So I was on the peloton this morning, and instructors, they have messages that they're trying to get to the world, which was great. And one of the things that the gala was, like, taking her class ass said was that, hey, look, self love. Self care is really important. And she was like, go get yourself some chocolates. Buy yourself some flowers, schedule a massage, whatever. It looks like, for some reason, something about it kind of irritated me. Not because I am anti self love, anti self care, anti making yourself a priority.
Tiffany Sauder [00:00:46]:I feel like I'm pretty good at that. But the thing I wrote down on my phone, it was this. What if self love was not about indulging yourself, but self love was about keeping your commitments to yourself? What if that's what self love is? And keeping our commitments to ourselves are pretty unsexy things. They are not glamorous girls night out. They are not a box of artisan chocolates. They are not a big, sugary something or other from Starbucks, like, keeping our commitments to ourself. Isn't that actually self love? Long term, consistent, persistent investment in who we are becoming? Something to think about is, what does self love look like in your life? And if you say, wow, I don't know that I have it. Like, I don't have treats for myself.
Tiffany Sauder [00:01:40]:Maybe self love is not actually about indulgence, but self love is about keeping your commitments to yourself. Little food for thought. Something that kind of pricked a thing for me. And I was like, you know what? I think I'm getting good at self love because I'm getting really good at keeping my commitments to myself. I'm getting really good at doing the most normal things all the time. Maybe that is self love and not chocolates.